Julia joins the Connected Arts Network as Teacher Leader

After weeks of interviews, the Educational Theatre Association is thrilled to announce the Connected Arts Network Theatre Teacher Leader Team who will serve as the first cohort in this nationwide project with a focus on diversity, equity and inclusion, social and emotional learning and teacher leadership through the lens of professional learning communities. The team is comprised of a mix of elementary, middle school and high school theatre educators from across the nation representing diverse teaching situations from rural to small village to suburban to urban settings.
Connected Arts Networks (CAN), a five-year project to create nationwide virtual Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) with educators in visual arts, music, theater, dance and media arts. The overarching vision for CAN is to build a sustainable model of professional learning for arts educators which will strengthen their pedagogy and instruction and leadership skills in order to better serve students. This project is modeled after the successful structure of the PLC program in New York City, initiated by the Office of Arts and Special Projects (OASP), another partnering organization.